[5 min read + 20 min Activity]
How to write a powerful business description for your website.
by Samantha Gordanier
Did you know that the ‘about us’ page is typically the most visited interior page for any small business website?
That’s right, company stories are not just for tech start-ups. Every business, no matter how big or small, needs to tell a story on their website. It’s just another step towards building a better website for your small business.
Having a story to share on your website is a great way to attract new customers. Remember that people choose to hire professionals that 1) They like, 2) they trust, and 3) they feel like they know. The same holds true for businesses – we’re people after all.
Writing an effective description for your small business is easier than you think.
We’ll show you how to write an effective business description using the power of storytelling. Follow our simple guide to create your own small business description in less than 20 minutes.

1. Start with a basic outline that includes the Who, What, Where and since When of your business story.
Starting with a simple outline is the best way to begin telling your small business story.
You want to introduce your company name and explain what your business does, where you operate (or the markets you serve), and tell us how long you’ve been doing it for.
Formula: We’re “Company Name”, and we’ve been “What your business does” here in “Location” since “Date”.
Sample: We’re The Coffee Bean and we’ve been roasting and serving organic coffee here in Toronto since 1981.
2. Tell us what you stand for as a business.
Tell us what you stand for so people can better identify with your business. Are you interesting in Fair Trade? Social Justice? Honesty? Transparency? Organic? Locally sourced?
You’re more than likely operating a business in a competitive space. Adopting and communicating your business philosophy within your main business description will help distinguish you from your competitors. People love to rally around a good cause, so give people a reason to rally around your business.
Sample: We believe in only sourcing ethically farmed beans, roasting them in house, and serving fresh coffee to our customers at a fair price.

3. Talk about what you specialize in and the work you love doing.
People love passionate business owners. Your audience will scan your story for proof that you’re passionate about your business. Tell people about the work your company gets excited about doing. Or, tell your audience what you like to see in your industry, whether it’s an innovation, a business philosophy in practice, or an initiative.
4. Tell a quick relatable story about why you started your business.
Your audience likes a good founding story. Most businesses have that ‘a-ha’ moment (which is that moment when they decide they’re going to start their own business) so share yours! Oftentimes we start businesses because we’re frustrated, or we see an opportunity. Give your customers a little taste of your a-ha moment. Chances are most of them will relate, start to see you as a person, and build a connection.
Formula: I started this business because of (X) , and I believed in (Y).
Sample: I started this business because I was tired of drinking crappy, overpriced coffee and I believed there had to be a better way.

5. Give us a glimpse into your future goals.
We know where you came from and what you stand for, it’s time to give your customers a taste of where you want to go. Incorporate your future goals (or how you see your company changing) into your business story. These details round out your story into a fuller picture of where your business started and your vision for the future. Your audience will be reassured that you’re in this for the long haul, and they’ll be more likely to choose to work with you today.
Sample: We’re looking forward to opening up 2 more shops in Toronto, and partnering with Ontario farmers on a new line of local, organic baked goods.
6. Make it easy for your reader to take action.
It’s time to inspire a final action from your reader. After all, you’re trying to run a business and you want to find ways to make your website attract real customers. Here’s where you should make it easy, ask them to take an action.
Sample: I’d like to personally invite you to stop by and try one of our fresh coffees for yourself.
Tip: Anything goes here, offer a free consultation if they fill out your form, tell them to call you, or tell them to stop by.
7. Weave it all together in one simple story format.
We have all the pieces needed to make a powerful business description for your website. Simply combine all your elements into one cohesive paragraph.
“We’re the Coffee Bean and we’ve been roasting and serving organic coffee here in Toronto since 1981.
We believe in only sourcing ethically farmed beans, roasting them in house, and serving fresh coffee to our customers at a fair price. We specialize in working directly with farmers to create sustainable partnerships. In fact, we recently helped construct a new coffee farm in Ecuador. We love coffee, and our passion is brewed into every cup. I started this business because I was tired of drinking crappy, overpriced coffee, and believed there was a better way. We’re looking forward to opening up 2 more shops, and launching a new line of organic, and locally sourced baked goods. I’d like to personally invite you to stop by and try one of our fresh coffees for yourself.”
Be sure to take your new business description and add it to your website. It’s also a good idea to share it internally with any of your existing employees. Your story can have a surprising effect on building a positive culture for your present and future employees.
We also have a great guide for How to Write a Professional Bio, which you could use to post on your linkedin profile page. It should also take less than 20 minutes to write, and I’d highly recommend doing it to round out your business and individual descriptions for your small business.
Don’t forget about your story, it should evolve and change as your business changes. Keep it up to date with any new developments or milestones reached.
This article was just one more way you can use your website to help you be a better business.
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Author’s Corner
Sam Gordanier
Hey I’m Sam, the Marketing Coordinator here at Beam Local, where I work on helping my team make great marketing decisions. What do I love about my work? Helping small business owners find uncomplicated ways to grow their own businesses. I’m always on the lookout for businesses who are interested in applying innovative tech strategy to their marketing plans. I’ve worked with hundreds of small businesses, and write content to help business owners get better at running their businesses. When I’m not helping small businesses get better, you can find me on my couch with my cat watching Seinfeld.
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